Swap and Transfer 3rd Cohort
Posted: 2015-12-07 10:27:41
By: Information Technology Center
SAT call now is open
The University of Trento and the Swap and Transfer Partnership are glad to announce a call for applications fand will make available up to 25 scholarships for mobility between the L12 Asian Countries involved and the European Union (EU) partners.
Swap and Transfer aims at promoting Innovation, sustainable development, and technology transfer as well as mutual enrichment and better understanding between the Asian and European involved Countries by means of the Erasmus Mundus mobility and the exchange of individuals, knowledge and skills at higher education level, so broadening the international visibility and scientific potential of all the parties involved.
The call for this mobility selection round will be open from December 2015 to January 31, 2016. The mobility is supposed to start before December 31, 2016.
The mobility will regard Eu and Asian grantees, of participating Universities. The perspective distribution of grants will be as follows:
Undergraduate 5 grants 4-6 months
Asian candidates only Priority TG3
Countries: Vietnam Laos Mongolia
PhD 8 grants x 6 months
3 from Asia Priority Countries Vietnam Laos Mongolia
5 from Europe Priority Countries Austria, Cyprus, Spain
Post doc 12 grants x 6 months
7 from Asia Priority Countries Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Thailand
5 from Europe Priority Countries Austria, Cyprus, Spain
The call is open to all disciplines covered by the EU and Asian partners academic offers. For PhD and Post doc mobility, priority will be given to subjects related to Cluster research areas.
The selection roadmap and criteria are detailed at the Selection Criteria page.
SAT will provide:
- Opportunities to L12 countries nationals working in public administration, public and private enterprises with study, training or research opportunities in the EU.
- A clear commitment to include L12 nationals with an indigenous population background targeted by a specific national policy, disadvantaged groups such as disabled students and economically disadvantaged students.
Mobility can only take place towards the European and Asian universities of SAT partnership.
Therefore the following mobility flows are possible:
- Student/staff of one of the L12 Asian partners and Universities towards one of the 9 EU Universities.
- Student/employee of any L12 Asian University or employee of a company, public administration in the involved countries towards one of the 9 EU Universities.
- EU Student/employee of a partner University or employee of a company, public administration in the involved countries towards one of the Asian Universities.
Preference will be given to Partner and associate institutions as above specified. The Selection boards will retain the right not to assign all the offered grants, in case applications are not fulfilling the project requirements. Special terms and provisions will regard the eligibility check for TG2-3 degree seeking candidates, to be performed by the Coordinator and Steering Committee and will be governed by the National rules to enroll candidates in hosting Countries.
Local Contact
- Rim Beanbonyka (Ms.)
- rim.beanbonyka(at)rupp.edu.kh
for more info visit: www.swap-transfer.eu/