Swap and Transfer is open now
Posted: 2013-11-25 16:09:43
By: Information Technology Center
SAT call now is open
An Erasmus Mundus project funded by the EU Commission and promoted by the University of Trento, aimed at fostering Sustainable development, Innovation, and Technology transfer, by promoting intercontinental cooperation and the mobility of 205 grantees between Europe and different countries in Eastern Asia.
A broad partnership composed by eight European universities, thirteen Asian universities and three associate networks and NGO is involved in academic activities, mobility and research under the joint coordination of the University of Trento - Italy, and University of Burapha-Thailand. Mobility and thematic clusters will converge to attain a Virtual Technology incubator.
The Swap and Transfer activities and mobility are funded under the European programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2 implemented by EACEA the EU’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Bruxelles.
The EM scholarships are provided upon selection to perform study and research activity at one of the partnered universities. Grants addressed to staff and student mobility are differently sized, ranging from 1000 to 2500 Eur/month, to cover students - at undergraduate (bachelor), graduate (master) and doctoral level- and staff including postdoc researchers, academic and administrative staff.
Travels, Tuition and insurance fees, centrally managed, are also covered by the programme.
Local Contact
- Heng Por (Mr.)
- heng.por(at)rupp.edu.kh
for more info visit: www.swap-transfer.eu/